Premise: A multi-course undergraduate sequence resulting in a concentration/minor in digitalized science



Consider this minor/concentration as comprising seven courses: (yes, a typical minor is 6 courses, but, whatever…)

  1. Chem OR phys OR bio OR CS or Math courses outside your major requirements (e.g., a computer science major takes a year of chem, a chem major takes two CS courses or one CS + one advanced math, etc. ). In general, we would expect lab (“natural”) scientists to take these in CS/Math, and vice versa. At least one of these should be a programming course.

  2. A second Chem or bio or CS or Math course outside your major requirements

  3. Methods in Computational Science

  4. Methods of Laboratory Automation

  5. Elective course (see below)

  6. Another elective course (see below)

  7. Case Studies in Digital Science


In general, courses would be envisioned to have flexible pre-requisites to allow a broad variety of students to enroll, not necessarily restricted to students within a given major or registered for the program.

Notice that these are all framed in a general way, but they lean chemistry-adjacent.

Methods of Laboratory Automation

Methods in Computational Science

Case Studies in Digital Science

  • Premise: Get students reading and reproducing the current literature. Somewhere between a seminar/survey course and a capstone project course where students adapt one or more of the papers they read to solve their own problem or do something novel with one of the datasets.

  • Use Digital Discovery as the resource…lots of variety, and we know that because of the code/data review ploicy that students should be able to reproduce the results. Open access journal. Good editorial board

  • Could fulfil EP3-style requirements or whatever they are called in the new system

  • Additional Audience: Computer science majors?

Additive manufacturing (aka Digital Materials Science)

  • Learning goals: An introduction to materials science (polymer / ceramics / metals), with the twist that it is done through 3d-printing as a tool. Acquire competency in 3d-printing techniques and associated skillsets (e.g., CAD design)

  • Textbook At the level of Shakelford’s intro textbook; implies a review of general chemistry concepts associated with bonding and thermo.

  • Lab: Use the lab do a bunch of AM modalities. I have a lot of thoughts on this, see more extensive notes on specific methodologies and structure

  • Additional Audience: Very low pre-reqs, potentially open to visual art majors, etc. (First year seminar style course)

Computational Physics

  • (Already exists: Phys 3211/4211)…perhaps one of the earlier courses could play the role of Phys 3211, reserving 4211 as the elective

Computational Chemistry

Bioinformatics & Cheminformatics

Drug Design

  • Focus on computational drug design
  • Repackage content from Chem1102, dropping the EP1 and business/social aspects to focus on the drug design component
  • Pre-reqs could be light, if we assume that we’ll have to (re)teach some orgo and biochemistry

  • Additional Audience: pre-meds and bio majors