Storm-trooper helmet tiki torch
Premise: Use cement casting to make a storm-trooper helmet tiki torch…
(while drinking beers with Crayonfou at Focal Point) Remember that scene in Return of the Jedi where the Ewoks put storm-trooper helmets on a sticks? Actually we could not find it, although there was one where they play the helmets as drums/marimbas. (But there is a scene of storm-trooper helmets on sticks in the Mandalorian).
Some nerds have made versions of the helmets-on-sticks for Halloween decorations, but I want something more whimsical: A tiki torch! To do this, we would need to cast the helmets out of a flame-resistant material…how about cement? Well, just that morning I saw a hackaday thread on printing molds out of TPU to do cement casting. Perfect!
Stormtrooper helmet model on printables – can fit this at 60% scale on a Prusa MK3S+
Another solid version on printables
(27 Mar 2025) Informative step-by-step video on 3d-printing and casting with concrete has recommendations for casting cement and mold release
Design questions:
- Should flame be visible through the eyes (i.e., partially hollow interior cavity) or flame emerging from top of head? (solid head, paint the eye holds). No clear opinion.
- Unlikely to do implement, as I do not have a backyard and open flames are forbidden on the roof
Some mockups with Dall-E-3
ServiceExecute["OpenAI", "ImageCreate",
{"Prompt" -> "A Star Wars stormtrooper helmut on a stick, in the form of a tiki torch", "Model" -> "dall-e-3"}]
ServiceExecute["OpenAI", "ImageCreate",
{"Prompt" -> "A clearing with people having a tiki party. The tiki torches that are in the background and foreground are clearly Star Wars stormtrooper helmets on sticks, and have flames visible.", "Model" -> "dall-e-3"}]
ServiceExecute["OpenAI", "ImageCreate",
{"Prompt" -> "A tiki party scene. The tiki torches have flames visible from the top and are shaped like star wars stormtrooper helmets.", "Model" -> "dall-e-3"}]
ToJekyll["Storm-trooper helmet tiki torch", "3dprinting tiki sculpture"]
(*Missing["NotAvailable"]["Storm-trooper helmet tiki torch", "3dprinting tiki sculpture"]*)