Prof. Aaron Lanternman (GATech) has some wonderful youtube videos for his electrical engineering courses on Guitar Amplification and Effects and Analog Circuits for Music Synthesis

Both of these have a intro to EECS circuits course. Lanternman explicitly mentions Prof. Bonny Ferri’s coursera courses as serving thsi role. But he also flips through Meresau and Jackson’s, Circuit Analysis textbook in a video, so I’ll take that as an implicit recommendation.

On his blog, Lanterman recommends Don Johnson’s Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering — going so far as to call it the ‘SICP of Electrical Engineering’

His Signals and Systems course also looks fascinating (continouous time systems)….but as he describes in the intro course assumes a pre-requisiting in a discrete time analysis course (ECE2026). This is also a pre-req for the music class (although he says we won’t get into too many details)

His ECE Design Fundamentals has a lot of important practical guidance for (analog) circuit design, and is mentioned as being a co-playlist for the Analog Circuits for Music synth course