Business and art ideas inspired by my recent trip to Korea…


  • combined vet, pet barber, pet daycare, pet hotel, and (human) cafe/co-working space. Bring your pet in for services but also get work done.
  • sneaker washing and drying machines in laundromats
  • tufting store (make your own rug); call it “Hey Tuft Guy” or “Edward Tufty”


(themes: combined retail with cafe; “destination” cafes with some hook (animals, poop, etc.))

(all of the below exist in Seoul, except for the chiguiro cafe)

  • skate store + cafe
  • fashion store + cafe
  • poop cafe
  • chiguiro cafe (AFAIK, doesn’t exist in Seoul, but they exist in Tokyo!)
  • raccoon cafe
  • instagramable cafe
  • record (LP) bars


(theme: fusion cuisine)

  • Burrito Gimbop (put carne asada, al pastor, etc. inside gimbap and serve with chipotle remoulade)
  • mung bean pancake food truck
  • mango makgeolli
  • makgeolli + pulque
  • makgeolli making kit
  • korean snack subscription box (sweet/savory options, vegetarian options)
  • korean bagels
    • squid ink and cheese
    • bonito flake cream chesse
    • kabocha cream cheese stuffed bagel
    • sandwiches
  • mango smoothie shops
  • ordering kosks re: labor shortage
  • corn ice cream


  • k-pop star mosaics (on skateboards)
  • ceramic bolo ties
  • traditional pottery with anime figures scratched on surface
  • laquer (mother of pearl inlay) skateboards
  • Korean cosmetic/beauty product subscription


  • chinese/korean character LED backlit pushbuttons on synthesizers
  • incense vending machine (with altar where you can light incense to Buddha, etc.)
  • K-pop videos, but with chiguiros
  • airsoft target range in an empty retail storefront somewhere with high tourist foot-traffic. No human silloutes, only targets
  • book on the lives of the Korean martyrs, and what western Christians can learn from their examples (specifically: a lay-lead program of evangelization and catechesis, dedication, …)